Finding: Removed broken spark plug on Cylinder #3 Installed new plug(customer supplied) Also due at this time OIl service , Rear rotors , pads and sensor plus Brake fluid flush
SPARK PLUGS – Remove & Replace
VALERIE G. gave our service a 5 star review on 1/28/2021
Finding: DME has fault for misture cocntrol too rich.(Stored) Work Done: Ran test modules for low & high fuel preessure systems,o2 sensors,Intake air systems. No Faults Found.. DME sorftware update ,clear fault memory
ERIC D. gave our service a 5 star review on 1/22/2021
Sunroof drain found clogged and will need to have sunroof assembly removed in order to unclog drains and replace weather strip / sunroof seals. Customer unable to leave vehicle for repairs at this time.
Cristina C. gave our service a 5 star review on 1/18/2021